Friday, January 27, 2012

Two Movie Hat

 This is a hat I found the pattern for online.  I was hanging out with my Mother-in-law watching movies and wanted something to crochet.  We watched two movies(Hello Dolly and the Ghost and Mrs Muir) The hat was done before the second movie was over!  What a great pattern.So easy and your practically crocheting in thin air, no pesky chains to crochet into!

Sizes: A = 3-9 months (B= 1-2 years) (C= 2-3 years) (D= 4-5 years) (E = 6-7
years) (F= 8-10 years) (G= 10 years to adult)
Supplies Needed:
1 skein worsted weight yarn for size A to D
An additional skein of yarn is needed for size E to G.
A crochet Hook size A= 3.5mm, (B= 4.5 mm) (C= 5.5 mm)(D= 6.0 mm)(E=
6.0mm)(F= 6.0 mm)(G= 6.0 mm)
1 yard of clear elastic in 3/8” or ½” wide.
Clover Yarn Tapestry Needle
Key: CH=Chain, SS= Slip Stitch, SC=Single Crochet
Round 1: CH 6. Join with a SS to 1st CH to make a circle.
Round 2: CH 1, wrap yarn from back to front go down in the circle, wrap yarn
around hook & pull through. Wrap yarn around hook and go down in the same
circle & pull through. You will now have 5 stitches on your hook. Wrap yarn
from back to front & pull yarn through all 5 stitches. CH 2. This is a 2 wrap
bobble and will be referred to from now on as a “bobble”. Repeat the bobble
7 more times. You will now have 8 total. Join with a SS to 1st CH on top of 1st
Round 3: Insert hook into 1st CH 2 space to left and SS. In same CH 2 space
work 2 bobbles, *move to the next CH 2 space & work 2 bobbles*, repeat
from * to * all of round. You will now have 16 bobbles. Join as in round 2.
Round 4: Move to next CH 2 space to the left and SS in same CH 2
space*work 2 bobbles, in next CH 2 space work 1 bobble*. Repeat between
*to* all around. You will have 24 bobbles, join as in round 3.
**If you are making sizes A through E work Round 5 to Round 14 as follows:
Work 1 bobble in each CH 2 space. Join and begin round in same manor as
Skip to last round all sizes.
** If you are making size F or G follow rounds below:
Round 5: Move to next CH 2 space to the left & SS, * work 1 bobble in the
next 3 CH 2 spaces. In the 4th CH 2 space, work 2 bobbles*. Repeat from *
to * to end of round. You should have 30 bobbles, join as before.
Round 6 to 14: Work 1 bobble in each CH 2 space. Join and begin as in all
other rounds.
Round 15 & 16: Work 1 bobble in each CH 2 space. Join & begin as in all
other rounds.
Last Round All Sizes: Measure circumference of head, then subtract 1.5”.
Cut a length of elastic that measurement. Sew both ends of the elastic
together, creating a circle, with a ½” in overlap. Be very careful not to twist
the elastic. With right side of hat facing you, hold elastic along the bottom
edge of hat. Work a SC in each CH of bottom of hat over the elastic. You
will want the elastic to be encased inside the SC. Join with a SS to 1st CH.
Tie off & weave in the ends.

This is the site I found the pattern on. I didn't have elastic so I just did some single crochet at the bottom skipping a few to make it nice and snug. Also in their pattern they add a silk flower, another item I didn't have on hand.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Emilee's Hat

 So this is the first project I undertook when I decided to pick Crochet back up.   I pretty much made the hat pattern up as I went along using tips from The Happy Hooker.   I used mostly double Crochet with a few rows of single crochet at the bottom to make it a snug fit.   I went back and added the flower later after I was a bit more confident in my abilities.  I used the flower pattern from another hat pattern in my Happy Hooker book.  I really liked the way this turned out.  And she looked so cute in it!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Hooker book, my inspiration

I owe my current fascination with crochet to one book. Stitch n' Bitch, the happy hooker.  I randomly picked the book up one day while waiting on my mother in law to finish looking at beads at JoAnn's.  I must admit it was the title that "hooked" me.   It was whimsical and ironic at the same time and in my mind absolutely perfect.   While flipping through the pages I begin to realize that maybe I could pick up this art I abandoned back in junior high.  Christmas was a few months away so the timing was perfect. Learn a new talent and make homemade present all with one fell swoop.   PERFECTION!  I must admit I was surprised at how natural this talent came to me.   I picked up my hook and away it flew.  I made my niece the most adorable hat and scarf combo(pictures to come) and a scarf for my sister, and one for my mother in law.  I also made three other scarves as experiments. They all turned out fairly well and one of them was in the gift box I sent my cousin this christmas.  My next project?  A granny square blanket.... we'll see how it turns out.   Hopefully I will be able to get pictures up here soon and share any patterns and tips I find helpful.  Now I am going to leave this new blog alone and research hat patterns( after all, who can work on just one project at once?)