Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Hooker book, my inspiration

I owe my current fascination with crochet to one book. Stitch n' Bitch, the happy hooker.  I randomly picked the book up one day while waiting on my mother in law to finish looking at beads at JoAnn's.  I must admit it was the title that "hooked" me.   It was whimsical and ironic at the same time and in my mind absolutely perfect.   While flipping through the pages I begin to realize that maybe I could pick up this art I abandoned back in junior high.  Christmas was a few months away so the timing was perfect. Learn a new talent and make homemade present all with one fell swoop.   PERFECTION!  I must admit I was surprised at how natural this talent came to me.   I picked up my hook and away it flew.  I made my niece the most adorable hat and scarf combo(pictures to come) and a scarf for my sister, and one for my mother in law.  I also made three other scarves as experiments. They all turned out fairly well and one of them was in the gift box I sent my cousin this christmas.  My next project?  A granny square blanket.... we'll see how it turns out.   Hopefully I will be able to get pictures up here soon and share any patterns and tips I find helpful.  Now I am going to leave this new blog alone and research hat patterns( after all, who can work on just one project at once?)

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