Monday, August 4, 2014

Beginnings of owl scarf

What am I working on now?   Well now that I've done scarves for two of the Harry Potter houses I decided to work on something else.  Still a scarf, yes.  But different.   When I was browsing pinterest I can across this gem.

Basically it an adorable pattern for a granny square owl.  I'm definitely not done with mine yet (I still need to work on the eyes) but my plan is to do the granny square and then work a scarf off the top of it.   The end result should be a cut scarf with and owl at the end.  And then I will hopefully make a hat to go with it.   This is how my owl looks so far.
Still needs a lot of work but I think it will be adorable in the end!!! 
I'll post the finished product when its complete.   Until then, Happy hookin!

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