Monday, April 3, 2017

Skeleton Clique Blanket

Do you ever just have the urge to create something?  It burns and burns in the back of your mind and you cannot be satisfied until you are at work on the project you’ve been dreaming of?  That’s how this Twenty-One pilots blanket was for me.  I’ve been pretty much in love with the band since my best friend introduced me to them in 2015.  “Holding Onto You” “Migraine” “Lovely” and “Friend Please” all helped me through what was the most difficult season of my life thus far.  Depression is a fickle beast, but believe me, it doesn’t have to win! There is always help; there is always hope. You never have to just give up!  Ahem.  Let me step off of my soap box now.

Back to this fabulous creation.  I may be a little bit too proud of myself on this one.  I wanted to give back to the friend who gave me the opportunity to love this incredible band.  So I decided to make him a queen sized afghan with the skeleton clique symbols and the words “Stay alive”, a reminder that both the band, and my friend David constantly gave to me.   So I spent some time on my computer playing around with the design until I had created one I liked, then I did a little math, determined how many stitches and rows I needed, and I went to work!  I completed this project in less than two months.  I didn’t have much of a choice as David was driving to Montana to visit me and it would be my last chance to see him until summer.  Needless to say he loves this blanket and shows it off whenever he gets a chance!
So enjoy these photos, hopefully they will inspire you to create as well.  Also please pardon the messy apartment in the background.  I didn't have much time for cleaning as every free moment was going into this blanket.



Monday, August 4, 2014

Beginnings of owl scarf

What am I working on now?   Well now that I've done scarves for two of the Harry Potter houses I decided to work on something else.  Still a scarf, yes.  But different.   When I was browsing pinterest I can across this gem.

Basically it an adorable pattern for a granny square owl.  I'm definitely not done with mine yet (I still need to work on the eyes) but my plan is to do the granny square and then work a scarf off the top of it.   The end result should be a cut scarf with and owl at the end.  And then I will hopefully make a hat to go with it.   This is how my owl looks so far.
Still needs a lot of work but I think it will be adorable in the end!!! 
I'll post the finished product when its complete.   Until then, Happy hookin!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Slytherin Scarf, go ahead, let out your evil side

A few weeks after I finished the Gryffindor scarf I finished the slytherin scarf for my hubby.  I'm quite pleased with it.  The only thing I really don't like is I was only able to find the colors I wanted in acrylic yarn and even though they were the same weight the textures of the two different colors were so varied.  Oh well, its still wonderfully nerdy, even if the green yarn is a bit itchy. :)  Hope you enjoy it.


Friday, January 24, 2014

Harry Potter Scarf

Tonight I finally finished the project that I had been hoping to do for a very long time.   I made my first Gryffindor Harry Potter Scarf!
This was a project I had planned years ago and even purchased the yarn for, but I had too many other projects to work on (Can you say BSU blanket that took forever!!!) Even as I approach 25 years old I still consider the Harry Potter series to be one of my favorites.  The universal theme of good vs. evil is so wonderfully portrayed in this series I feel as if it will never get old.  And besides, who doesn't wish they would have received that coveted Hogwarts acceptance letter when they were eleven.   Life's tough being a muggle :)
To make this scarf I simply used rows upon rows of double crochet.  Then I toped everything off with some good ol' fringe.   Because I tend to be a super nerd, I had to add the little detail that each block of color has seven rows (One for each book/year)  I was making this for a very tall friend so I had to make sure it was a long scarf.   I ended up doing 18 blocks of color.
I can tell you right now that if you enjoy crochet and plan on doing this, be prepared for the monotonous task of sewing in your ends.  I would have had this scarf complete before Christmas, but for those darn ends.   Its the curse of having to switch colors so often.  Because of the drastic difference of the two colors I don't recommend hiding your yarn underneath as you go (I think the colors would show through too much) just take that extra time to complete the pesky chore of sewing the yarn in at the end.
Hopefully very soon I will get a chance to make a Slytherin themed one for my husband, and then I can go purchase more yarn to make one of these Gryffindor ones for myself!  Then maybe one day I'll grab my scarf and set out in hopes of finding platform 9 3/4. :)
Here are a few photos of myself modeling the scarf before I gave it to him.  Since I'm so short I had to wrap it twice around my neck to make it the right length!

Hope you enjoyed this.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Simple Hat and Scarf.

Christmas before last I had my coworker pick out some yarn and promised her a scarf.   Well at the time I was working on my BSU blanket for my sister and had little time for anything else.  Needless to say, the scarf got put off.  Well about a month ago I decided I wanted to start working on the scarf and I wanted to try something different.   Normally when you are making a stitch in crochet you do it into the two loops on the very top that form a V.  Well I decided to do a slight alteration on the front loop only stitch (Which, as it sounds, means you only crochet into the front loop)  I decided to make my double crochet stitches into the two front loops.   I simply love the texture this added to my scarf.   Also the co-worker I was making this for is quite the artistic spirit so I didn't feel like I could give the scarf normal fringe.  She always wears her hair in a braid. So I decided to incorporate some braids into the fringe and I love it.  

For the hat I wanted to try something new, yet not too complex.  I searched Pinterest and came across this pattern.

I ended up turning the half double crochet into single crochet and doing a few less rows than called for.   I followed the pattern for a medium adult and even though my gauge matched I felt like the hat was quite loose.  If I were to use this pattern again I would probably go with the teen size. I also wasn't wanting to make a flower.  I wanted the hat to be simple (after all the yarn had so many colors to it!)

Here are a few pictures!

The Scarf:

 Hat and Scarf:
 The Hat:
The Fringe:

I hope that you enjoyed this!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Boise State Blanket

So a very long time ago I decided it would be a great idea to make a Boise State themed afghan for my sister's birthday.  Well unfortunately I got the idea just 2 months before her birthday and with my job I didn't have much time for crochet. So her birthday present became a Christmas present.   Well Christmas eve I was up at 2 in the morning with still a whole row to finish and no border.  So I gave her the pieces and promised to finish it soon...  8 months is soon right?!  It took a long time but I was quite pleased with the end result.   It is just a ton of granny squares pieced together.   This is what it looked like before the border.
And after the border. 

 I just kept a simple border of 3 double crochet and one chain stitch to match the pattern of the granny squares.   I'm pleased with the end result and my sister loved it.   She was using it the day I gave it to her! I'm so glad I got it done in time for football season!  It took a long time but was completely worth it!!!  I'm looking to do something similar in the future for my bed.  I'm experimenting with a few fancier versions of the granny square.   We'll see what happens and how long it actually takes me to do it!!!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Two Movie Hat

 This is a hat I found the pattern for online.  I was hanging out with my Mother-in-law watching movies and wanted something to crochet.  We watched two movies(Hello Dolly and the Ghost and Mrs Muir) The hat was done before the second movie was over!  What a great pattern.So easy and your practically crocheting in thin air, no pesky chains to crochet into!

Sizes: A = 3-9 months (B= 1-2 years) (C= 2-3 years) (D= 4-5 years) (E = 6-7
years) (F= 8-10 years) (G= 10 years to adult)
Supplies Needed:
1 skein worsted weight yarn for size A to D
An additional skein of yarn is needed for size E to G.
A crochet Hook size A= 3.5mm, (B= 4.5 mm) (C= 5.5 mm)(D= 6.0 mm)(E=
6.0mm)(F= 6.0 mm)(G= 6.0 mm)
1 yard of clear elastic in 3/8” or ½” wide.
Clover Yarn Tapestry Needle
Key: CH=Chain, SS= Slip Stitch, SC=Single Crochet
Round 1: CH 6. Join with a SS to 1st CH to make a circle.
Round 2: CH 1, wrap yarn from back to front go down in the circle, wrap yarn
around hook & pull through. Wrap yarn around hook and go down in the same
circle & pull through. You will now have 5 stitches on your hook. Wrap yarn
from back to front & pull yarn through all 5 stitches. CH 2. This is a 2 wrap
bobble and will be referred to from now on as a “bobble”. Repeat the bobble
7 more times. You will now have 8 total. Join with a SS to 1st CH on top of 1st
Round 3: Insert hook into 1st CH 2 space to left and SS. In same CH 2 space
work 2 bobbles, *move to the next CH 2 space & work 2 bobbles*, repeat
from * to * all of round. You will now have 16 bobbles. Join as in round 2.
Round 4: Move to next CH 2 space to the left and SS in same CH 2
space*work 2 bobbles, in next CH 2 space work 1 bobble*. Repeat between
*to* all around. You will have 24 bobbles, join as in round 3.
**If you are making sizes A through E work Round 5 to Round 14 as follows:
Work 1 bobble in each CH 2 space. Join and begin round in same manor as
Skip to last round all sizes.
** If you are making size F or G follow rounds below:
Round 5: Move to next CH 2 space to the left & SS, * work 1 bobble in the
next 3 CH 2 spaces. In the 4th CH 2 space, work 2 bobbles*. Repeat from *
to * to end of round. You should have 30 bobbles, join as before.
Round 6 to 14: Work 1 bobble in each CH 2 space. Join and begin as in all
other rounds.
Round 15 & 16: Work 1 bobble in each CH 2 space. Join & begin as in all
other rounds.
Last Round All Sizes: Measure circumference of head, then subtract 1.5”.
Cut a length of elastic that measurement. Sew both ends of the elastic
together, creating a circle, with a ½” in overlap. Be very careful not to twist
the elastic. With right side of hat facing you, hold elastic along the bottom
edge of hat. Work a SC in each CH of bottom of hat over the elastic. You
will want the elastic to be encased inside the SC. Join with a SS to 1st CH.
Tie off & weave in the ends.

This is the site I found the pattern on. I didn't have elastic so I just did some single crochet at the bottom skipping a few to make it nice and snug. Also in their pattern they add a silk flower, another item I didn't have on hand.